The purpose of the Hidden Valley Lake Men’s Golf club is to provide an organization for men interested in golf and to provide the opportunity to become better acquainted fraternally and socially.
We do this by hosting a series of events that runs from November to October of the following year. The season consists of thirteen tournaments, using a variety of individual and team formats such as Scramble, Better-Ball, Stroke-Play, and Match-Play. There are four “Major Championships” which are played as individual events as well as the ever popular Member-Guest played in early June. Events are typically held on the first weekend of the month. Regular events are single-day events, held on Saturday. Major events a two-day events held on Saturday and Sunday. Points and prizes are awarded for each event. The season culminates with a dinner banquet where the highest point winner is crowned the “Player of the Year”.
The full tournament schedule and results as well as details on how to join can be found on our club website at